Skis & Bindings

The Startingate chooses skis based on quality, engineering, durability and skiability. We travel to the top ski manufacturers in the U.S and Europe where we witnessed first hand the construction of the skis we sell. We ski and test all of our products to assure that you are getting the best of the best. We want to get you on the hill and feeling great about your purchase of quality equipment. We offer skis from the top Austrian manufacturers such as Atomic, Armada and Head as well as race skis from Rossignol, Nordica and Dynastar and freeride skis from Icelantic and CANDIDE. We take our ski selection seriously and have a staff that has the credentials to test and choose the best!

We are working on making our selection of Alpine Skis and bindings available to our online customers. Since binding mounts and adjustments are something that need to be done in person, we encourage you to use our Pick Up In Store option if you require any of these services.

Stop by or contact our equipment experts to find out what style and size is best for you. We're happy help!